Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
January 11, 2021

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into five delectable dinner recipes that seamlessly incorporate the goodness of CBD oil. These recipes not only provide a delightful culinary experience but also offer the potential wellness benefits of CBD. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen novice, these simple and flavorful dishes will show you how to infuse CBD oil effortlessly into your dinner routine.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional about this before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine (especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication). It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

Benefits of Cooking with CBD Oil

The interaction between CBD oil and the endocannabinoid system is well-documented, promoting balance and overall well-being. Incorporating CBD into your dinners can become a holistic approach to enhancing your health. One of the most remarkable features of CBD oil is its ability to induce relaxation without the psychoactive effects often associated with cannabis. By infusing CBD oil into your meals, you can unwind without the euphoric sensations of THC. Scientific studies have suggested that CBD possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial for overall health. When you use CBD oil in your cooking, you’re not just tantalizing your taste buds, but also potentially reducing inflammation.

Choosing the Right CBD Oil for Cooking

When selecting CBD oil for cooking, prioritize quality. Look for CBD oil labeled as suitable for consumption, ensuring that it meets the necessary culinary standards. High-quality CBD oil guarantees a better integration of flavors in your dishes. It’s important to determine the CBD concentration per serving and calculate the appropriate dosage for each recipe. This ensures that you can reap the potential benefits without overdoing it. CBD products come in various forms, including full-spectrum CBD oil, pure CBD isolate, and broad-spectrum CBD oil. Familiarizing yourself with these methods will help you choose the one that best suits your cooking style and preferences.

CBD-Infused Dinner Recipes

Weed Dinner Easy to Cook top 5

Begin by selecting ripe tomatoes, fresh basil, garlic, and a high-quality CBD oil. The freshness of these ingredients will harmonize perfectly with the CBD infusion. Infusing CBD oil into the bruschetta topping requires a delicate approach. By mixing a few drops of CBD oil with the vibrant tomatoes and aromatic basil, you ensure an even distribution of flavors. Serve your CBD-infused tomato bruschetta on toasted baguette slices or whole-grain crackers. The pairing of the crispy base with the rich, CBD-infused topping is a match made in culinary heaven.

Herbed Lemon CBD Grilled Chicken

Elevate your grilled chicken by marinating it with a blend of fresh herbs, zesty lemon zest, and a carefully measured amount of CBD oil. This combination not only enhances the flavor but also infuses the dish with potential relaxation benefits. Achieving the perfect grilled CBD-infused chicken requires attention to detail. Cooking at the right temperature ensures that the CBD potency remains intact while the chicken achieves the ideal level of juiciness. Experiment with various herb combinations to find the ones that complement the citrusy CBD infusion. The harmonious interplay of flavors is what makes this dish truly exceptional.

CBD-Infused Vegetable Stir-Fry

  • Choose an assortment of colorful vegetables to create a visually appealing and nutritious stir-fry. Bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and snap peas are excellent choices.
  • Craft a savory stir-fry sauce that evenly disperses the CBD oil throughout the dish. The CBD oil will not only enhance the taste but also provide potential wellness benefits.
  • Different vegetables have varying cooking times. Mastering the cooking times ensures that each vegetable retains its crunchiness, resulting in a delightful texture in your stir-fry.

Creamy CBD Mushroom Risotto

  • Creating a creamy mushroom risotto involves patience and precision. The slow addition of broth and constant stirring contribute to the dish’s velvety texture.
  • Infusing CBD oil into the risotto requires adding it at the right stage to maintain its effectiveness. The CBD seamlessly blends with the rich flavors of the mushrooms and Arborio rice.
  • Elevate your creamy mushroom risotto by finishing it with finely grated Parmesan cheese, fresh herbs, and a drizzle of CBD oil. This final touch adds a burst of flavor and potential wellness benefits.

Citrusy CBD-infused Fruit Salad

Create a vibrant fruit salad by selecting a medley of seasonal fruits. Including citrus varieties like oranges, grapefruits, and tangy berries can provide a zesty contrast. Craft a tangy and zesty CBD-infused citrus dressing to elevate the flavors of your fruit salad. The infusion of CBD oil adds an extra layer of complexity to the dressing. Arranging the fruit salad creatively enhances the visual appeal of your dish. Consider adding a final drizzle of CBD oil as a finishing touch to bring the presentation full circle.

Tips for Cooking with CBD Oil

As with any CBD product, it’s recommended to begin with a lower dosage and gradually increase as needed. This approach allows you to find the dosage that best suits your preferences and needs. Enhance the absorption of CBD by pairing it with healthy fats like olive oil or coconut oil. The CBD oil blends seamlessly with these fats, improving its bioavailability. Avoid exposing CBD oil to high temperatures, as excessive heat can diminish its potency. Incorporate CBD oil into dishes that don’t require excessive heat to preserve its potential benefits.


Embark on a journey of culinary creativity and holistic well-being with these five CBD-infused dinner recipes. By embracing the potential benefits of CBD oil and its harmoniousintegration into your meals, you can discover a new way to savor both flavor and relaxation. Remember, cooking with CBD can be as simple as it is rewarding, offering you a chance to explore wellness through the joy of cooking. Whether you’re making CBD-infused tomato bruschetta or citrusy CBD-infused fruit salad, these recipes are a testament to the versatile and exciting world of CBD-infused cuisine.