Space Queen Strain

Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD

Welcome to our review of the Space Queen strain, a sativa-dominant hybrid that has gained popularity among cannabis enthusiasts for its potent effects and delicious fruity taste.

This strain is a cross between Cinderella 99 and a potent sativa strain called Romulan, resulting in a high that is both cerebral and euphoric, with a hint of relaxation. Space Queen is known for providing a burst of energy and creativity, making it a great choice for daytime use or for social situations.

In this review, we will dive into the effects, potential medical benefits, side effects, and user experiences of Space Queen. So sit back, relax, and get ready to blast off to new heights with Space Queen.

Space Queen Strain Review

What is Space Queen Strain?

Space Queen is a hybrid strain that leans towards the sativa side. It has a sweet and fruity aroma with hints of pine and citrus. The buds are dense and covered in a layer of trichomes that give them a frosty appearance. This strain has a high THC content that can range from 19% to 23%. Its effects are uplifting, creative, and energizing, making it a popular choice for daytime use.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine, especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication. It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

What Does Space Queen Strain Smell Like?

The Space Queen Strain has a sweet and fruity aroma with notes of pine and citrus. The main terpenes responsible for this strain’s scent are limonene, pinene, and caryophyllene. These terpenes are also present in other citrus and pine-scented strains.

What Does Space Queen Strain Taste Like?

The Space Queen Strain has a sweet and fruity taste with hints of pine and earthiness. The smoke is smooth and easy on the throat. The flavor is reminiscent of its aroma, with a citrusy aftertaste. This strain’s taste profile is similar to other sativa-dominant strains with fruity and earthy flavors.

Space Queen Strain Effects

The effects of Space Queen Strain are mainly uplifting and energizing, making it a great choice for daytime use. It can enhance creativity and focus, making it suitable for tasks that require concentration. This strain can also induce a cerebral high that can promote happiness and euphoria.

Does Space Queen Strain Help with Anxiety?

For experienced cannabis users, Space Queen Strain can help alleviate anxiety by inducing an uplifting and energizing effect that can boost mood and promote a sense of well-being. However, novice users may find the high too intense and may experience heightened anxiety. It is advised to start with a low dose and gradually increase it.

Does Space Queen Strain Help with Stress?

Space Queen Strain can help relieve stress by inducing a euphoric and uplifting effect that can promote relaxation and positivity. This strain’s energizing effect can also increase motivation and focus, making it a great choice for those who need to remain productive while managing stress.

Does Space Queen Strain Help with Pain Management?

The Space Queen strain has been reported by some users to provide relief from mild to moderate pain. However, it’s important to note that everyone’s experience with cannabis can be different, and it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for medical advice.

Does Space Queen Strain Help with Depression?

Some users have reported feeling more uplifted and positive after using the Space Queen strain, which could potentially help with symptoms of depression. Again, it’s important to note that cannabis should not be used as a substitute for professional mental health treatment.

Does Space Queen Strain Help with Insomnia?

While some users have reported feeling relaxed and sleepy after using the Space Queen strain, it may not be the best choice for treating insomnia. Other strains may be better suited for sleep issues.

How Does Space Queen Strain Make You Feel?

Users of the Space Queen strain have reported feeling uplifted, euphoric, and giggly after using it. It can also be a good choice for creative activities, as some users have reported feeling more inspired and focused.

Space Queen Strain Side Effects

As with any cannabis strain, there are potential side effects to be aware of. Some users have reported feeling anxious or paranoid after using the Space Queen strain, as well as experiencing dry mouth and eyes. However, not everyone experiences these side effects, and they can often be mitigated with proper hydration and moderation.

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What Our Customers Say?

  • "I love Space Queen! It's my go-to strain when I need a burst of creativity." - Jane Doe
  • "I always feel happy and energized after using Space Queen. It's the perfect strain for a night out with friends. " - John Smith
  • "Space Queen is my favorite strain. It helps me feel more positive and motivated, even on tough days." - Sarah Johnson


Overall, the Space Queen strain is a popular choice among cannabis users for its ability to provide feelings of euphoria, energy, and creativity. While it may not be the best choice for those struggling with insomnia, it could potentially help with mild to moderate pain and symptoms of depression. Some users have reported feeling anxious or experiencing dry mouth and eyes after using this strain, but these side effects are not universal. The Space Queen strain has a sweet and fruity taste and aroma, making it a pleasant choice for those who enjoy fruity flavors.