Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain

Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD

Rebel Tangie Kandy strain is a sativa-dominant hybrid that has been gaining popularity in the cannabis community. This strain is a cross between three famous strains: Rebel God Smoke, Tangie, and Kandy Kush, resulting in a unique flavor and aroma profile.

The high from Rebel Tangie Kandy is described as uplifting and energizing, making it a popular choice for daytime use. Its effects are said to be cerebral and may lead to increased creativity, focus, and motivation. This strain is also known for its sweet and citrusy aroma, with hints of earthy undertones.

In this strain review, we will delve deeper into the effects and characteristics of Rebel Tangie Kandy, as well as take a look at what customers have to say about this strain.

Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain Review

What is Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain?

Rebel Tangie Kandy is a cross between Rebel God Smoke, Tangie, and Kandy Kush. It has a high THC content ranging from 18% to 24%. This strain is known for its citrusy and sweet aroma with a hint of earthy pine. When consumed, Rebel Tangie Kandy can provide an energizing and uplifting effect that may help boost creativity and focus. However, it is not recommended for novice users due to its potency.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine, especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication. It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

What Does Rebel Tangie Kandy Smell Like?

Rebel Tangie Kandy has a strong and pungent citrusy aroma with a hint of pine. This strain contains the terpenes limonene, myrcene, and pinene, which contribute to its unique aroma and flavor profile.

What Does Rebel Tangie Kandy Taste Like?

Rebel Tangie Kandy has a sweet and tangy flavor profile with notes of citrus and earthy pine. The smoke is smooth and pleasant, making it a popular choice for those who enjoy flavorful strains.

Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain Effects

Rebel Tangie Kandy provides an energizing and uplifting effect that may boost creativity and focus. This strain is known for its cerebral effects, making it a great choice for daytime use. However, it may cause anxiety and paranoia in novice users or those who are sensitive to THC.

Does Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain Help with Anxiety?

Rebel Tangie Kandy may help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress for experienced users. It provides an energizing effect that may help improve mood and promote relaxation.

Does Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain Help with Stress?

Rebel Tangie Kandy may help alleviate symptoms of stress and promote relaxation for experienced users. Its energizing effects may help improve mood and promote a sense of calm.

Does Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain Help with Pain Management?

Rebel Tangie Kandy may help alleviate mild to moderate pain for experienced users. Its energizing and uplifting effects may help improve mood and promote a sense of well-being.

Does Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain Help with Depression?

Rebel Tangie Kandy may help alleviate symptoms of depression for experienced users. Its energizing and uplifting effects may help improve mood and promote a sense of well-being.

Does Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain Help with Insomnia?

Rebel Tangie Kandy may help alleviate symptoms of insomnia for experienced users. Its energizing effects may help promote relaxation and a sense of calm.

How Does Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain Make You Feel?

Rebel Tangie Kandy is a hybrid strain that offers a well-balanced mix of effects. Users report feeling happy, uplifted, and energized, making it a great strain for daytime use. This strain is also known to promote creativity and focus, which can make it a good option for those looking to boost productivity or engage in artistic pursuits.

Rebel Tangie Kandy Strain Side Effects

Like with any strain, there are potential side effects to be aware of when using Rebel Tangie Kandy. Some users have reported feeling anxious or paranoid after consuming this strain, although this is not the case for everyone. Additionally, dry mouth and dry eyes are common side effects of cannabis use and may occur with Rebel Tangie Kandy.

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What Our Customers Say?

  • "I tried Rebel Tangie Kandy for the first time and I loved it! It made me feel so energized and creative, and it really helped me stay focused throughout the day" - Jane L.
  • "This strain is amazing! I felt so happy and uplifted after using it, and I didn't experience any negative side effects." - Micky
  • "Rebel Tangie Kandy is the perfect strain for me. It gives me the energy and motivation I need to get through the day, and it doesn't make me feel jittery or anxious." - James P.


Rebel Tangie Kandy is a hybrid strain that offers a balanced mix of effects, making it a great option for those looking to boost creativity and productivity during the day. Its energetic and uplifting properties can help combat stress and anxiety, while its ability to promote focus and creativity makes it a popular choice among artists and writers. While dry mouth and dry eyes are potential side effects, many users report positive experiences with this strain. Overall, Rebel Tangie Kandy is a highly recommended strain for those seeking a well-rounded cannabis experience.