Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
September 8, 2023

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a diverse selection of cannabis strains known for their exceptional relaxing properties. Whether you seek relief from stress, anxiety, or simply wish to unwind after a long day, these strains can provide a calming and soothing experience like no other. We will delve into the different types of relaxing strains, their unique characteristics, and the potential benefits they offer to help you find the perfect strain for your relaxation needs.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional about this before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine (especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication). It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

Indica Dominant Strains


Indica dominant strains are widely celebrated for their calming effects and are ideal for relaxation and sedation.

Indica vs Sativa

Sativa vs Indica Chart

Indica strains are distinguished from sativa strains by their higher CBD to THC ratio. This higher CBD content contributes to their relaxing qualities and makes them less psychoactive than sativa strains, which have higher THC levels and tend to produce a more energetic and uplifting effect.

Common Indica Strain Examples

Some popular indica-dominant strains known for relaxation include Purple Kush, Northern Lights, and Granddaddy Purple. Purple Kush is a potent indica known for its grape-like aroma and powerful body relaxation effect, while Northern Lights induces a deep state of relaxation, ideal for pain relief and stress reduction. Granddaddy Purple is celebrated for its fruity flavor, body-melting relaxation, and potential sleep-inducing properties.

Physical and Mental Relaxation

Indica strains are renowned for their ability to induce physical relaxation and mental tranquility. The soothing effects make them suitable for evening use and promoting restful sleep. These strains are also favored by those seeking relief from chronic pain, as the relaxation they provide helps alleviate discomfort and tension.

CBD-Rich Strains


CBD-rich strains offer relaxation without the intoxicating effects of THC, making them an excellent option for users seeking relief without getting high.


THC marijuana vs CBD weed

CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are two of the most prominent cannabinoids found in cannabis. Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive and does not produce a “high.” Instead, it offers various potential therapeutic benefits, including relaxation, anxiety relief, and pain management.

Best CBD-Rich Strains

Strains like Charlotte’s Web, ACDC, and Harlequin are known for their high CBD content and low THC levels. Charlotte’s Web gained fame for its potential in reducing seizures in children with epilepsy, while ACDC and Harlequin are valued for their anxiety-relieving properties and overall relaxation without impairing cognitive function.

Anxiety and Stress Relief

CBD-rich strains have been studied for their potential benefits in managing anxiety and stress-related conditions. Some users report reduced anxiety symptoms and a sense of calm after consuming CBD-dominant cannabis. While further research is needed, the anecdotal evidence and preliminary studies show promise in this regard.

Hybrid Strains for Relaxation

Hybrid strains offer a balanced combination of indica and sativa effects, providing relaxation alongside mild euphoria and creativity.

The Blend of Effects

Hybrid strains combine the characteristics of both indica and sativa strains to offer a unique and versatile experience. The varying ratios of CBD to THC and the presence of different terpenes create diverse effects, making hybrids suitable for different relaxation preferences.

Notable Hybrid Strains

Blue Dream is a popular hybrid strain known for its balanced relaxation and creative, uplifting effects. Cannatonic is another well-regarded hybrid, recognized for its high CBD content and potential in soothing physical discomfort while maintaining mental clarity.

Versatility of Use

Hybrid strains are appreciated for their adaptability. They can be suitable for both daytime relaxation, providing mild euphoria and focus, and evening unwinding, offering a sense of tranquility without causing excessive sedation.

Aromatherapy and Terpenes

Terpenes play a crucial role in the relaxation provided by cannabis strains, and aromatherapy enhances the overall calming experience.

Terpenes and Their Effects

Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in cannabis and other plants that contribute to the plant’s aroma and potential effects. Myrcene, commonly found in indica strains like Granddaddy Purple, is associated with sedative effects and muscle relaxation. Linalool, present in strains like Lavender and Sour Diesel, has potential anxiolytic properties, offering anxiety relief. Limonene, abundant in strains like Lemon Haze, may promote stress relief and elevate mood.

Enhancing Relaxation with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy using cannabis strains involves inhaling or applying terpenes through essential oils or vaporizers. This can create a calming environment and enhance the relaxation experience. Lavender-scented cannabis strains or terpene-infused oils can be used to promote relaxation and stress relief.

Customizing Your Experience

By understanding the terpene profiles of different strains, users can tailor their relaxation experience to suit their preferences. Experimenting with various strains and terpene combinations allows individuals to discover the scents and effects that bring them the most relaxation.

Consumption Methods for Relaxation

Different consumption methods can influence the relaxing effects of cannabis, and choosing the right method is crucial for the desired experience.

Inhalation vs Ingestion

Inhalation methods like smoking and vaping offer a rapid onset of relaxation, making them suitable for immediate relief. On the other hand, ingesting cannabis through edibles provides a longer-lasting and more gradual relaxation experience. Users should consider their desired duration and intensity of relaxation when choosing a consumption method.

Microdosing for Relaxation

Microdosing involves consuming small amounts of cannabis to achieve subtle relaxation effects without getting too high. This method can be particularly helpful for managing anxiety symptoms and providing gentle stress relief throughout the day.

Combining Cannabis with Relaxation Techniques

Cannabis can complement various relaxation practices, such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness exercises. The synergistic effectsof cannabis and relaxation techniques can enhance the overall sense of tranquility and promote a more profound state of relaxation.


In conclusion, a wide array of cannabis strains offers exceptional relaxation benefits. Indica dominant strains provide deep physical and mental relaxation, making them ideal for evening use and sleep disorders. CBD-rich strains offer relaxation without intoxication, providing anxiety and stress relief. Hybrid strains combine relaxation with mild euphoria and creativity, suitable for different times of the day. Aromatherapy with terpenes enhances the calming experience, while different consumption methods allow users to customize their relaxation journey. Remember to explore various strains, experiment responsibly, and consider individual preferences and tolerance levels when seeking the best strains for relaxation.


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