Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
September 20, 2023

Rolling a joint is an essential skill for any cannabis enthusiast. This classic method of consuming cannabis has been a cornerstone of cannabis culture for generations. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to roll a joint for adults in areas where cannabis use is legal and appropriate, using rolling papers, cannabis flower, and filter tips.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional about this before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine (especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication). It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

Understanding the Basics

When it comes to rolling joints, there are different types to consider. The classic joint is the traditional cylindrical shape that is easy to roll, making it suitable for beginners. On the other hand, a cone joint tapers at one end, allowing for a larger capacity and a slower burn.

How To Roll A Joint Guide Step By Step

To get started, gather the necessary materials. Rolling papers come in various sizes, such as 1 1/4 and king-size, and can be made from different materials like rice, hemp, or wood pulp. Filter tips, made from cardboard or pre-made tips, not only enhance airflow but also prevent burnt fingers. Of course, the most crucial element is the cannabis flower itself, so be sure to use high-quality ground cannabis for a perfect joint.

Preparing the Cannabis

Before you start rolling, ensure that you have properly prepared the cannabis. There are two common methods for breaking down the cannabis buds: by hand and using a grinder.

When breaking down cannabis by hand, gently break the buds apart using your fingers. For a more consistent texture, use a grinder to grind the cannabis to a consistency similar to dried herbs – not too fine nor too chunky. The ideal ground cannabis should strike a balance between fine and coarse to facilitate the rolling process.

Creating a Filter Tip

A filter tip, also known as a crutch or roach, is a crucial component of a joint. It provides stability, improves airflow, and prevents small pieces of cannabis from being inhaled during smoking. To make a filter tip, cut a strip of cardboard or use a pre-made one. Roll the cardboard into a tight cylinder, roughly the same width as the joint, and place it at one end of the rolling paper, leaving a little space for the cannabis.

Using a filter tip offers several benefits. It ensures a smoother draw, reduces the risk of inhaling loose cannabis (the dreaded “scooby snacks”), and provides a convenient handle to hold during smoking.

Rolling the Joint

Now that you have your ground cannabis and filter tip prepared, it’s time to roll the joint. Follow these steps for a well-rolled joint:

  • Hold the rolling paper with the adhesive side up, facing you;
  • Distribute the ground cannabis evenly along the paper’s center, shaping it into a line;
  • Using your thumbs and index fingers, pinch the rolling paper and start rolling back and forth to shape the joint;
  • Tuck the unglued side of the paper around the cannabis and continue rolling until the adhesive edge sticks to the paper;
  • Use your fingers to pack the cannabis gently for an even bur;
  • Lick the adhesive edge and seal the joint.

To avoid common mistakes, be mindful not to over-pack the joint, as this may make it too tight to smoke. Additionally, ensure an even distribution of cannabis to prevent a lopsided burn. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged by initial attempts.

Rolling Techniques

There are different rolling techniques to explore, each with its advantages and challenges. The inside-out technique involves rolling the joint with the adhesive on the inside, creating a smooth exterior. While this technique results in a cleaner-looking joint, it can be trickier for beginners. On the other hand, the backroll technique starts with the filter end and works towards the open end. This technique may be easier to control but requires finesse to achieve a neat appearance.

Encourage experimentation to find your preferred rolling style. Different techniques work better for different individuals, so try out various methods to discover what suits you best.

Finishing Touches

Before lighting up, ensure that the joint is properly packed and compressed to ensure a smooth burn. Use a thin, cylindrical object, such as a pen, to gently pack the cannabis down without over-compressing it.

Additionally, tidy up any loose ends or excess paper. Trim any extra paper protruding from the open end of the joint for a clean finish, and make sure the adhesive edge is securely sealed to prevent unraveling.

Common Joint Shapes

For those looking to add some creativity to their rolling, there are unique joint shapes to explore. A tulip joint forms a tulip-like shape at the tip, creating a visually appealing twist to the traditional joint. For the more adventurous, a cross joint incorporates a second joint, perpendicular to the main joint.

Creating a tulip joint involves twisting the excess paper at the tip of the rolled joint, while a cross joint requires making a hole in the side of the main joint and inserting a second joint through the hole before sealing it.

Troubleshooting and Tips

Despite following the steps diligently, sometimes things can go awry during the rolling process. Common issues include uneven burns, canoeing, or a joint that burns too quickly. To troubleshoot these problems, ensure an even distribution of cannabis, avoid over-packing, and roll the joint tighter for a slower burn.

In addition to troubleshooting, here are some tips to enhancethe rolling experience. Store cannabis in a cool, dry place to maintain its quality, and experiment with different strains and blends to discover your preferred flavors. Remember, practice and patience are key to mastering the art of rolling.


Rolling a joint is not only a skill but also a cherished tradition in cannabis culture. By understanding the basics, preparing the cannabis, creating a filter tip, and following the rolling techniques, anyone can master the art of rolling a perfect joint. Remember to enjoy your cannabis responsibly and respect the laws and regulations in your area. Happy rolling and smoking!


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