Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
December 16, 2020

Delta-8 THC behaves similarly to delta-9 THC, the primary compound in marijuana, whilst being milder than delta-9 but a bit psychoactive nonetheless. However, when applying delta-8 to the skin, you won’t get high as the cannabinoid quickly binds with cannabinoid receptors in the skin and muscular tissue rather than engaging with the endocannabinoid system through blood or inhaling.

Delta-8 is a relatively new compound to the hemp market that researchers have not yet gotten a chance to study thoroughly. There is an overwhelming amount of anecdotal evidence from regular users that it is beneficial for improving mood and relieving pain, with the latter likely coming from its anti-inflammatory properties, which have been successfully confirmed by researchers.

It might be particularly helpful to use delta 8: skin conditions may be effectively treated by its anti-inflammatory properties. As a cannabinoid, delta-8 binds to cannabinoid receptors in the skin to regulate the inflammatory response that can be responsible for a host of common skin-related ailments.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional about this before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine (especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication). It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

How effective is Using Delta 8 in Transdermal Applications?

Skin And Delta 8 Cannabis

A lot of us have seen that hemp is being used in various topical products ranging from beauty creams to soothing gels applied to the body. The compounds in hemp have the ability to absorb into the skin tissue in a unique manner thanks to the endocannabinoid system’s role in skin health.

We do not yet have any studies on delta-8 being applied to the skin for transdermal absorption, so we cannot say that it has proven effects on specific skin conditions.  However, we can make some guesses based on how other cannabinoids behave when applied topically.

For example, delta-9 THC and CBD have both been shown to offer potent anti-inflammatory activity through transdermal absorption, indicating that this is a trait that cannabinoids share.  Therefore, there is good reason to believe that when applying delta 8, skin can potentially lower inflammation throughout its layers.

There are several inflammatory skin conditions that affect huge portions of the population, and topical anti-inflammatories like delta-8 may possibly offer some relief.


Eczema is one of the most common types of inflammatory skin conditions, in which patches of dry, flaky dead skin cells develop on the surface, sometimes accompanied by itching and irritation. Eczema is a condition that tends to be chronic, flaring up under specific circumstances like weather changes, hormonal changes, dietary changes, and stress.


Acne is rarely seen as an inflammatory condition but often results from inflammation. Pimples are inflamed pores, which is apparent when you note their red and swollen appearance and the fact that they are tender to the touch. There are various topical acne treatments that act as anti-inflammatories, and delta-8 may be one of them.


Psoriasis shares a lot in common with eczema, except the symptoms tend to be more severe and cover more areas of the body. The triggers for flareups are similar, but the skin tends to die off at a faster rate, causing the patches to be more prominent and increasingly uncomfortable.

Rashes Caused by Exposure to Poisonous Plants

Exposure to poison ivy, poison oak, and similar types of poisonous plants cause the skin to become extremely inflamed, resulting in rashes and swelling. Using delta 8, skin rash might get relieved when cannabinoid is applied directly to the affected area.

Using Delta 8 for Skin Conditions – Bottom Line

Delta-8 is commonly taken internally, but if you want relief from skin conditions, you will need to apply it topically to the area that is affected by the inflammation. Delta 8 skin care products are not as widely available as other types of delta-8 products, but they are starting to show up more and more on the market.

While there have yet to be any studies done on delta-8’s specific effects on skin conditions, we do know that with delta 8 skin benefits a lot. Like many other cannabinoids, this one offers anti-inflammatory effects while also offering its properties to cannabinoid receptors in the skin. Therefore, if you are dealing with inflamed skin and wish to incorporate something new into your routine, it is worth giving this cannabinoid a try.


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