Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
October 2, 2023
  • Prep Time5 minutes
  • Cook Time10 minutes
  • DifficultyEasy

AVB (Already Vaped Bud) tea is a great way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without the need for combustion. It is a simple and easy recipe that can be made in minutes. This tea is perfect for those who want to relax and unwind after a long day. The earthy flavor of the AVB adds a unique twist to the taste of the tea.


  • 1 tablespoon of AVB (Already Vaped Bud)
  • 1 tea bag of your choice
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 slice of lemon
  • 1 cup of water
  • H2

Going Step by Step

  1. Boil the water in a small pot.
  2. Add the AVB to the pot and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Add the tea bag and let it steep for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Remove the tea bag and strain the AVB from the tea.
  5. Add honey and lemon to the tea and stir.
  6. Pour the tea into a mug and enjoy!
  7. Give it a try and enjoy!


  • Make sure to use AVB that has been vaped at a low temperature to avoid a burnt taste.
  • Adjust the amount of AVB to your liking. Start with a smaller amount and work your way up to find the perfect dose for you.
  • Adding milk or cream can help mask the taste of the AVB.
  • Store any leftover AVB in an airtight container for future use. It can be added to other recipes like brownies or cookies.

We are sure you are a perfect cook! Nonetheless, do remember to pay attention to the amount of AVB Tea you consume: it should always be modified based on the strength of your product and the potency you desire. Dosing homemade edibles can be tricky, so it is strongly recommended to start with one portion of a serving. After one or two hours, listen to your body and decide whether to consume more. It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when taking edibles. Use responsibly!