Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
September 27, 2023

Cannabis enthusiasts worldwide have a wealth of options when it comes to choosing the perfect strain to cultivate or enjoy. Two popular contenders in this arena are the Blue Cheese strain and the Cold Snap strain, each with its unique set of characteristics and effects. In this comparative analysis, we’ll delve into the genetic background, appearance, aroma, flavor, cannabinoid and terpene content, effects, and growing considerations of these strains. By the end, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of Blue Cheese vs. Cold Snap and be better equipped to make an informed choice for your cannabis journey.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional about this before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine (especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication). It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

Genetic Background and Lineage

Blue Cheese Strain

The Blue Cheese strain owes its distinctive genetic makeup to the fusion of two renowned parent strains Blueberry and UK Cheese. Blueberry, celebrated for its sweet and fruity notes, contributes a delightful undercurrent of berries and lemon juice to the Blue Cheese weed. In contrast, UK Cheese, famous for its pungent aroma reminiscent of aged cheese, adds a robust and savory dimension to the strain. This blend results in a well-balanced hybrid weed strain that boasts the best of both worlds.

Cold Snap Strain

Cold Snap, on the other hand, derives its genetic lineage from Cold Creek Kush and Alaskan Thunder Fuck. Cold Creek Kush brings forth its ability to thrive in cooler temperatures and is known for its resilience against common cannabis ailments like powdery mildew. Alaskan Thunder Fuck contributes a burst of energy and an earthy aroma to the mix. The result is a hybrid strain well-suited for cooler climates, where it can flourish even into late September, unlike many others.

Appearance Aroma and Flavor Profile

Blue Cheese Strain

Blue Cheese buds typically exhibit a medium to large size, with a dense and compact structure. Their coloration is a mesmerizing mix of dark greens and purples, accentuated by a generous coating of trichomes that glisten like morning dew. The aroma of Blue Cheese is a sensory delight, combining the sweet allure of blueberries with the unmistakable pungency of aged cheese. When consumed, its flavor profile mirrors this olfactory experience, offering a unique interplay of sweet and savory notes that dance on the palate.

Cold Snap Strain

In terms of appearance, Cold Snap’s buds are characterized by their robust density, often tinged with shades of deep green and purple. The aroma is distinct, with hints of pine, earthiness, and a touch of citrus. The flavor profile of Cold Snap reflects these nuances, providing a rich and multifaceted taste experience that distinguishes it from other strains.

Cannabinoid and Terpene Content

Blue Cheese Strain

Blue Cheese strain typically features a moderate THC content, making it suitable for a broad range of consumers. Its CBD levels are also noteworthy, offering potential therapeutic benefits. Terpenes like myrcene, limonene, and caryophyllene play a crucial role in shaping its effects. Myrcene contributes to relaxation, limonene adds a touch of uplifting energy, and caryophyllene offers potential pain relief and anti-anxiety effects.

Cold Snap Strain

Cold Snap often boasts a higher THC content, making it a choice for those seeking a more intense psychoactive experience. Its CBD levels can vary but tend to be lower than those of Blue Cheese. The terpenes found in Cold Snap, such as pinene, caryophyllene, and humulene, influence its effects. Pinene contributes to mental clarity, caryophyllene offers potential pain relief, and humulene may provide anti-inflammatory benefits.

Effects and Medical Benefits

Blue Cheese Strain

Blue Cheese delivers a balanced high that combines euphoria with relaxation, making it a versatile strain for both recreational and medicinal users. It can help relieve stress, reduce pain, and stimulate appetite. The indica-dominant nature of Blue Cheese ensures a mellow and soothing experience that can be enjoyed day or night.

Cold Snap Strain

The effects of Cold Snap are known for their mood-enhancing qualities, promoting a sense of relaxation and euphoria. While it may not be as versatile as Blue Cheese in addressing medical concerns, it can be beneficial for managing anxiety, mild pain, and sleep disturbances. Its ability to thrive in cooler temperatures makes it an excellent choice for outdoor growers in regions with unpredictable weather.

Growing Considerations

Blue Cheese Strain

Cultivating Blue Cheese can be manageable for growers of various experience levels. While it thrives indoors with controlled conditions, it’s also suitable for outdoor cultivation in temperate climates. Growers should maintain a cooler climate during the flowering time, manage humidity levels, and provide adequate light exposure. Potential challenges include susceptibility to powdery mildew, but these can be mitigated with proper care.

Cold Snap Strain

Cold Snap, true to its name, is well-suited for cooler environments. It leans towards indoor cultivation, but experienced growers can also cultivate it outdoors in regions with cooler temperatures. Optimal growth conditions include maintaining cooler temperatures, managing humidity levels, and providing the right lighting. The resilience of Cold Snap against common cannabis ailments makes it an attractive choice for those looking to cultivate in less forgiving climates.

Blue Cheese Strain

Blue Cheese is a versatile strain often chosen for social gatherings, creative pursuits, or simply winding down after a long day. User testimonials frequently highlight its relaxing effects and its ability to inspire creativity. Its pungent aroma and unique flavor also make it a hit among cannabis connoisseurs.

Cold Snap Strain

Cold Snap is favored for outdoor adventures and moments of relaxation. Users have reported feeling uplifted and invigorated, making it a great choice for physical activities. Its earthy aroma and complex flavor profile enhance the overall experience, making it a strain appreciated by those seeking unique sensory journeys.


In the world of cannabis, the diversity of strains allows users to tailor their experiences to their preferences and needs. Blue Cheese and Cold Snap, while distinct in many ways, both offer unique attributes that cater to different tastes and circumstances. Blue Cheese combines the sweetness of Blueberry with the pungency of UK Cheese, resulting in a well-balanced hybrid with potential medical benefits. Cold Snap, derived from Cold Creek Kush and Alaskan Thunder Fuck, thrives in cooler climates, delivering invigorating effects and a rich flavor profile.

Exploring these strains not only offers a chance to savor their unique flavors and effects but also underscores the fascinating complexity within the cannabis plant. Whether you opt for the sweet and savory allure of Blue Cheese or the invigorating embrace of Cold Snap, your cannabis journey promises to be a memorable one. Ultimately, the choice between Blue Cheese strain vs. Cold Snap strain rests on your individual preferences and the specific experiences you seek in the world of marijuana seeds and strains.