Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
October 6, 2023

In this comprehensive comparative analysis, we will delve into the distinct characteristics, effects, medical applications, and growing profiles of two prominent cannabis strains Clementine and Dream Queen. By meticulously examining various facets of each strain, including their appearance, aroma, effects, medical potential, cultivation requirements, cannabinoid/terpene composition, popularity, and user preferences, we aim to provide readers with an insightful and detailed understanding to assist in making informed decisions.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional about this before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine (especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication). It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

Background and Overview

Clementine Strain

The Clementine strain is a product of the crossbreeding of some illustrious parent strains. A blend of tangy Lemon Skunk and the legendary OG Kush, combined with the zest of Jack Herer, has resulted in the creation of Clementine’s genetics. This lineage contributes to the strain’s distinct flavor profile and uplifting effects.

The flavor profile of the Clementine strain is a true testament to its citrus heritage. With notes reminiscent of ripe oranges and a hint of sweetness, it delights the palate of cannabis enthusiasts. The infusion of Super Lemon Haze genetics intensifies the lemony zest, making it a delightful choice for those seeking a burst of citrus in their cannabis experience.

Dream Queen Strain

Dream Queen’s origins are equally intriguing. A fusion of the renowned sativa strain Blue Dream and the pungent hybrid known as Space Queen gives birth to the Dream Queen strain. This lineage results in a well-balanced strain with both cerebral and physical effects.

Dream Queen boasts a complex flavor and aroma profile. The scent ranges from floral to earthy, with hints of pine and even a touch of parsley. The diverse bouquet adds depth to the experience, enticing both seasoned cannabis enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

Appearance and Aroma

Clementine Strain

Clementine buds are characterized by their vibrant orange pistils and a dense trichome coverage that lends them a frosty appearance. The buds are medium-sized, often exhibiting a tight and compact structure that is visually appealing.

The aroma of Clementine strain is immediately recognizable. As the name suggests, a strong citrusy aroma dominates, accompanied by subtle undertones of pine. This terpene-rich profile contributes to its invigorating and mood-enhancing effects.

Dream Queen Strain

Dream Queen buds showcase a blend of green and purple hues, adorned with fiery orange hairs. The buds tend to be dense and resinous, promising a satisfying smoking or vaping experience.

Dream Queen’s aromatic traits are multi-layered. The initial whiff might reveal floral notes, which then give way to earthy undertones. Some users even detect a hint of cherry pie in its aroma, adding to its complexity and allure.

Effects and High

Clementine Strain

Clementine’s effects lean heavily towards the sativa end of the spectrum. Its energetic and invigorating high makes it an ideal choice for early morning or daytime consumption. Consumers often report enhanced focus and a surge of creative energy.

The Clementine strain’s potential for enhancing creative endeavors is noteworthy. Artists, writers, and individuals seeking mental clarity can benefit from its ability to spark inspiration.

Dream Queen Strain

Dream Queen strikes a balance between cerebral and physical effects. The initial cerebral euphoria gradually transforms into a soothing body relaxation. This balanced high appeals to those seeking a well-rounded experience.

Dream Queen’s effects can foster introspection, making it a suitable choice for unwinding after a long day and engaging in moments of self-reflection.

Medical Applications

Clementine Strain

The uplifting and mood-enhancing qualities of Clementine make it potentially effective for managing stress and symptoms of depression. Its ability to induce a positive mindset can provide respite from daily challenges.

Clementine’s reputation for stimulating the appetite can be beneficial for individuals dealing with appetite loss due to medical conditions or treatments.

Dream Queen Strain

Dream Queen’s balanced effects may offer relief from anxiety and various types of pain. Its relaxing properties can help ease both physical and mental discomfort.

Dream Queen’s soothing qualities can be harnessed to aid individuals struggling with insomnia and sleep-related issues, promoting a more restful night’s sleep.

Growing Considerations

Clementine Strain

Growing Clementine strain requires attention to climate. It thrives in warm and sunny conditions, making it a suitable candidate for outdoor cultivation in Mediterranean-like climates. Indoor setups with controlled lighting also yield successful results. The flowering time typically ranges from 8 to 10 weeks.

When grown under optimal conditions, Clementine plants reward cultivators with a moderate to high yield of resinous buds.

Dream Queen Strain

Dream Queen flourishes in temperate climates with consistent sunlight. It adapts well to both indoor and outdoor cultivation environments, making it versatile for various setups. Its flowering period usually spans around 9 to 10 weeks.

Dream Queen’s flowering period is relatively average, and growers can expect a satisfying yield of dense buds that showcase its genetic potential.

Cannabinoid and Terpene Profile

Clementine Strain

Clementine strain typically boasts moderate to high levels of THC, accompanied by trace amounts of CBD. This THC potency contributes to its uplifting effects.

Clementine is rich in limonene, the primary terpene responsible for its distinct citrus aroma. Limonene also offers potential anti-anxiety and mood-enhancing benefits.

Dream Queen Strain

Dream Queen usually exhibits a balanced THC to CBD ratio, with THC levels that cater to a wide range of consumers. Its moderate CBD content adds to its potential therapeutic benefits.

Terpinolene, myrcene, and other terpenes form Dream Queen’s terpene profile. Terpinolene’s floral and herbal notes complement the strain’s effects, while myrcene contributes to its relaxation-inducing properties.

Popularity and Availability

Clementine Strain

The Clementine strain is commonly found in dispensaries across regions where cannabis is legalized. Its popularity ensures its availability for enthusiasts seeking its distinct effects.

Clementine’s popularity has led to its recognition and cultivation in various parts of the world, making it a global favorite.

Dream Queen Strain

Dream Queen’s growing popularity has propelled it into the mainstream market. It is readily available in dispensaries and online platforms, catering to the demands of a diverse consumer base.

Dream Queen’s accessibility spans across regions with legalized cannabis, ensuring its availability to those seeking its balanced effects.

User Preferences and Considerations

Clementine Strain

Clementine’s invigorating effects and citrusy flavor profile make it an ideal choice for daytime consumption, social gatherings, and outdoor activities.

Individuals who appreciate vibrant citrus flavors and the refreshing aroma of lemon-infused strains are likely to gravitate towards Clementine.

Dream Queen Strain

Dream Queen’s balanced effects, with their blend of relaxation and euphoria, make it a fitting choice for unwinding in the evening or as a companion to leisurely activities.

Users seeking a harmonious balance between cerebral stimulation and physical relaxation may find Dream Queen to be their strain of choice.


In conclusion, the Clementine and Dream Queen strains offer cannabis enthusiasts a spectrum of experiences to explore. While Clementine impresses with its invigorating citrusy high and potential for creative focus, Dream Queen captivates with its well-rounded effects and versatile growing characteristics. Whether one’s preference leans towards the uplifting zest of Clementine or the balanced allure of Dream Queen, each strain brings its unique qualities to the table. As the cannabis landscape continues to evolve, these strains remain steadfast favorites, catering to a diverse range of tastes, preferences, and therapeutic needs.