Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
September 14, 2023

In this comprehensive article, we will conduct an in-depth comparison between two notable cannabis strains: Rainbow Sherbet and Cake Face. By exploring their origins, flavor profiles, cannabinoid and terpene compositions, effects, potential medical applications, and cultivation requirements, you’ll be equipped with a thorough understanding of these strains, making your selection process more informed.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional about this before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine (especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication). It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

Origins and Genetics

Rainbow Sherbet Strain

The Rainbow Sherbet strain boasts a lineage that intertwines the Champagne Kush, Blackberry, and Orange Bud strains. This unique genetic blend bestows upon it an array of captivating characteristics. The strain’s colorful appearance finds its roots in the Blackberry lineage, while the Orange Bud contributes to its enticing citrusy aroma and uplifting effects.

Cake Face Strain

The Cake Face strain’s genetic lineage emerges from the convergence of the Wedding Cake and Face Off OG strains. This amalgamation of genetics results in a strain that offers a distinctive balance of attributes. The influence of Face Off OG’s indica-dominant genetics is responsible for its soothing and relaxation-inducing properties, while the Wedding Cake contributes delightful sweet and earthy flavors to the mix.

Flavor Profile and Aroma

Rainbow Sherbet Strain

When it comes to flavor, the Rainbow Sherbet strain takes the stage with its dominant notes of sweet berries and citrus, accompanied by a subtle layer of creamy indulgence. The aroma that wafts from this strain is akin to a delightful dessert bouquet, a harmonious fusion of fresh fruit and a hint of earthiness that tantalizes the senses.

Cake Face Strain

The Cake Face strain introduces a flavor profile that leans towards the sweet and doughy side, reminiscent of a delectable vanilla cake. It often carries undertones of subtle spiciness, adding a layer of complexity to its taste. The aroma of Cake Face is a delightful blend of vanilla and baked goods, occasionally accentuated by hints of spices such as nutmeg and cloves.

Cannabinoid and Terpene Content

Rainbow Sherbet Strain

Diving into the cannabinoid composition, the Rainbow Sherbet strain typically exhibits higher levels of THC, often accompanied by a moderate CBD content. This combination of cannabinoids contributes to its potential to induce euphoria and offer therapeutic effects. In terms of terpenes, Rainbow Sherbet is abundant in limonene, myrcene, and caryophyllene, potentially enhancing mood elevation and providing stress relief.

Cake Face Strain

In contrast, the Cake Face strain showcases a cannabinoid profile characterized by moderate to high THC levels, often accompanied by minor traces of CBD. This balance creates an experience that is both potent and well-rounded. Terpene-wise, Cake Face predominantly contains caryophyllene, limonene, and linalool. These terpenes can contribute to relaxation and potential anti-anxiety effects.

Effects and Experience

Rainbow Sherbet Strain

The effects of the Rainbow Sherbet strain are uplifting and energizing, making it an ideal choice for those seeking heightened creativity and sociability. Its potential to enhance mood without inducing sedation positions it as a suitable option for daytime consumption, fostering productivity and engagement.

Cake Face Strain

Conversely, the Cake Face strain offers effects that lean towards relaxation and calmness. It often brings about a gentle body high that facilitates unwinding and stress relief. Due to these qualities, Cake Face is better suited for evening or nighttime use, aiding relaxation and potentially promoting better sleep.

Medical Applications

Rainbow Sherbet Strain

The Rainbow Sherbet strain’s therapeutic uses are well-documented. Users have reported benefits such as mood enhancement, reduction of stress, and even alleviation of mild to moderate depressive symptoms. Additionally, anecdotal evidence suggests that some individuals find relief from social anxiety and creative blocks, making it a potential aid for both mental and emotional well-being.

Cake Face Strain

The Cake Face strain finds its place in the medical cannabis community with its potential to address various concerns. Often used for pain management and muscle relaxation, Cake Face has garnered positive feedback from users dealing with chronic pain or insomnia. Its relaxing properties and potential sleep-inducing effects contribute to its potential as a natural remedy.

Growing Difficulty and Tips

Rainbow Sherbet Strain

When it comes to cultivation, the Rainbow Sherbet strain demands a moderate level of expertise. It thrives in various environments, responding well to both indoor and outdoor growing conditions. To optimize yields, growers are advised to engage in pruning to manage its bushy growth and enhance light exposure, allowing for healthier plant development.

Cake Face Strain

In contrast, the cultivation of the Cake Face strain might require a bit more finesse, making it suitable for experienced growers. Attention to detail is essential, especially concerning humidity levels and providing adequate support during the flowering phase. These measures can contribute to a more successful cultivation experience.


By delving into the intricate details of the Rainbow Sherbet and Cake Face strains, we’ve uncovered their genetic origins, flavor profiles, cannabinoid compositions, effects, medical potential, and growth necessities. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently select the strain that aligns with your preferences and needs, ensuring a rewarding and tailored cannabis experience. Always remember to adhere to legal regulations and consume responsibly.