Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
September 17, 2023

When it comes to choosing the perfect cannabis strain, the options can be overwhelming. Among the plethora of choices available, two popular strains stand out: Wedding Crasher and Papaya. In this article, we will delve into a detailed comparison of these two strains, exploring their genetic backgrounds, effects, flavors, medicinal properties, cultivation considerations, popularity, and availability. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, mental clarity, pain relief, or simply looking to unwind, this comprehensive review will aid you in making an informed decision.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional about this before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine (especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication). It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

Overview of Wedding Crasher Strain

Genetic Lineage and Breeder Information

The Wedding Crasher strain is an exquisite hybrid born from the union of two illustrious parents – Purple Punch and Wedding Cake. While the breeder or seed bank behind its creation might vary, its genetic heritage remains consistent, resulting in a delightful blend of indica and sativa characteristics. With such esteemed parents, Wedding Crasher boasts a genetic pedigree that garners respect among cannabis enthusiasts.

THC and CBD Content

Wedding Crasher typically packs a potent THC punch, with levels ranging from 20% to 25%. On the other hand, CBD content is relatively low, usually under 1%. The high THC content contributes to the strain’s powerful and long-lasting effects, making it a favorite among experienced users seeking euphoria and relaxation.

Aroma and Flavor Profile

Drawing from its lineage, Wedding Crasher presents a delightful aroma that marries floral and earthy notes with a hint of citrus. The flavor profile is equally captivating, offering a sweet and spicy sensation that leaves users yearning for more. Its terpene composition contributes to its alluring fragrance and delightful taste.

Effects on the Body and Mind

The effects induced by Wedding Crasher encompass a balanced blend of physical and mental sensations. Its indica dominance brings about deep relaxation, easing tensions and alleviating stress. Meanwhile, the sativa influence imparts a euphoric and creative lift, enhancing mood and promoting mental clarity. However, users should be cautious of potential negative effects, such as dry mouth and dizziness, especially when consumed in high quantities.

Medicinal Benefits and Potential Side Effects

Thanks to its well-rounded effects, Wedding Crasher has found favor among medical cannabis users. Its ability to provide pain relief and manage anxiety makes it a valuable tool for patients dealing with chronic discomfort and stress-related conditions. However, like any cannabis strain, excessive consumption may lead to adverse effects like anxiety and paranoia.

Overview of Papaya Strain

Genetic Lineage and Breeder Information

Papaya is another tantalizing hybrid that brings together the genetics of the well-known strains, Citral #13 and Ice #2. As with Wedding Crasher, the breeder or seed bank may vary, but the allure of Papaya remains consistent, captivating users with its tropical essence and calming effects.

THC and CBD Content

Papaya generally boasts moderate THC levels, typically ranging from 15% to 20%. CBD content is also moderate, usually around 1% to 2%. This balanced cannabinoid profile delivers a pleasant and approachable experience, making it suitable for both novice and experienced users alike.

Aroma and Flavor Profile

True to its name, Papaya entices users with a delightful tropical aroma reminiscent of fresh mangoes and citrus. The flavor profile perfectly complements the scent, offering a sweet and fruity taste that indulges the senses. The strain’s terpene composition, particularly limonene, contributes to its uplifting and invigorating aroma.

Effects on the Body and Mind

Papaya’s effects lean toward relaxation and tranquility, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a soothing experience. Its indica dominant hybrid nature promotes a calm and stress-free state, allowing users to unwind and find mental focus. However, individuals should be mindful of potential negative effects like dry eyes or anxiety, especially when overindulging.

Medicinal Benefits and Potential Side Effects

Papaya’s gentle effects render it an excellent option for medicinal use. The strain is often utilized to alleviate anxiety, stimulate appetite, and provide relief from migraines. However, as with any cannabis strain, moderation is key, as excessive consumption can lead to side effects like drowsiness or increased heart rate.

Aroma and Flavor Comparison

Wedding Crasher

The aroma of Wedding Crasher blends floral, earthy, and citrusy notes, creating an enchanting experience during consumption. Its flavor profile is equally captivating, with sweet and spicy undertones that leave users enchanted by its unique combination of terpenes.


In contrast, Papaya entices with a tropical and fruity aroma reminiscent of mangoes and citrus. Its flavor follows suit, offering a sweet and fruity taste that delivers a delightful burst of flavor during consumption. The limonene content enhances its pleasant aroma and taste.

Aroma Comparison

Wedding Crasher and Papaya differ significantly in their aromas, catering to distinct preferences. While Wedding Crasher offers a more complex bouquet with its floral, earthy, and citrusy notes, Papaya wins hearts with its tropical and fruity essence. Users seeking variety may prefer Wedding Crasher’s multi-layered aroma, while those craving a taste of the tropics may gravitate toward Papaya.

Flavor Comparison

When it comes to flavors, Wedding Crasher and Papaya continue to distinguish themselves from each other. Wedding Crasher’s sweet and spicy taste provides a satisfying contrast, while Papaya’s fruity sweetness tantalizes the taste buds. Choosing between the two ultimately boils down to personal preference and the desire for specific flavors.

Effects on the Body and Mind

Wedding Crasher

The physical and mental effects of Wedding Crasher cater to a wide range of preferences. Its balanced blend of relaxation and euphoria allows users to unwind while staying mentally engaged. The onset time is relatively quick, and the effects can last for several hours, offering extended relief and enjoyment.


Papaya’s effects center on relaxation and focus, making it an excellent choice for users seeking to ease stress while maintaining mental clarity. Its onset time is also relatively quick, and the effects are known to last for a reasonable duration, providing users with an extended sense of tranquility.

Body Effects Comparison

Wedding Crasher’s profound relaxation and pain-relieving properties are favored by those dealing with chronic discomfort. On the other hand, Papaya’s gentle relaxing effects make it an excellent option for individuals seeking to unwind without feeling overly sedated. Both strains cater to various medical conditions, making the choice dependent on the user’s specific needs.

Mind Effects Comparison

Wedding Crasher’s euphoric and creative lift appeals to those seeking mental stimulation and an enhanced mood. In contrast, Papaya’s focus-enhancing effects suit individuals looking to maintain clarity and attentiveness. When choosing between the two, consider the desired mental state and activities to ensure an optimal experience.

Medicinal Benefits and Potential Side Effects

Wedding Crasher

For medical users, Wedding Crasher’s pain-relieving and anxiety-reducing properties offer substantial relief. However, its potential side effects, such as anxiety and paranoia, should be approached with caution and moderation.


Papaya’s anxiety-reducing and appetite-stimulating effects cater to medical users dealing with stress-related conditions or loss of appetite. As with any strain, users should be mindful of potential side effects like drowsiness or increased heart rate.

Comparison of Medicinal Properties

Both strains offer unique medicinal benefits, catering to various health concerns. Wedding Crasher excels in pain relief and anxiety management, making it a valuable tool for patients seeking relief from chronic discomfort and stress. Conversely, Papaya’s focus on anxiety reduction and appetite stimulation suits those struggling with stress and appetite loss.

Potential Side Effects

Both strains may induce common side effects like dry mouth and red eyes, which are easily managed. However, Wedding Crasher may lead to anxiety or paranoia when consumed in excess, while Papaya might cause drowsiness or increased heart rate. Careful moderation is essential when using either strain medicinally.

Growing and Cultivation Considerations

Wedding Crasher

Growing Wedding Crasher requires careful attention to its environmental needs. It thrives in a sunny and warm climate, with regular feeding of essential nutrients. Additionally, growers should be vigilant against pests and potential challenges that could hinder its growth.


Papaya is relatively easy to cultivate, making it a suitable option for novice growers. It flourishes in a warm and sunny environment, and regular nutrient feeding ensures robust growth. As with any plant, monitoring for pests and diseases remains critical for a successful yield.

Growth Difficulty Comparison

While Wedding Crasher demands more experience and attention due to its sensitivity to environmental factors, Papaya proves to be more forgiving and manageable, making it an excellent choice for growers at all levels.

Yield and Flowering Time Comparison

Wedding Crasher typically delivers a satisfying yield when grown successfully, with flowering times ranging from 8 to 10 weeks. On the other hand, Papaya rewards growers with a bountiful harvest within 8 to 9 weeks of flowering.

Popularity and Availability

Wedding Crasher

Within the cannabis community, Wedding Crasher has garnered significant popularity for its unique effects and flavorful experience. However, due to its complex genetic background, it may be more challenging to find in certain regions or dispensaries.


Papaya’s delightful taste and balanced effects have made it a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts. While its popularity may not rival that of Wedding Crasher, it remains reasonably accessible in many regions and dispensaries.

Availability Comparison

Both Wedding Crasher and Papaya are well-loved strains, but Papaya’s relatively easier cultivation makes it more widely available. However, availability may vary based on geographic location and local regulations.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, Wedding Crasher and Papaya offer distinctive experiences, making them each an appealing option for various users. Wedding Crasher’s potent effects, complex flavors, and pain-relieving properties appeal to those seeking a well-rounded cannabis experience. On the other hand, Papaya’s gentle effects, tropical aroma, and anxiety-reducing properties are perfect for those seeking a soothing and refreshing encounter.

Ultimately, the choice between Wedding Crasher and Papaya comes down to personal preferences, desired effects, and medicinal needs. As with any cannabis strain, responsible consumption and adherence to local laws are essential. For a delightful and informed journey into the world of cannabis strains, these two are excellent choices that cater to a diverse array of tastes and therapeutic goals.


The Wedding Crasher strain and Papaya strain represent two captivating options in the vast world of cannabis. Each boasts unique characteristics, from aroma and flavor to effects on the body and mind. While Wedding Crasher offers a harmonious blend of relaxation and euphoria, Papaya entices with its tropical charm and calming influence.

Both strains have their medicinal strengths, with Wedding Crasher excelling in pain relief and anxiety management, while Papaya shines in anxiety reduction and appetite stimulation. Cultivating these strains can be a rewarding experience, with Wedding Crasher demanding more care and attention, and Papaya being more forgiving for novice growers.

When it comes to popularity and availability, Papaya often takes the lead, being more accessible in various regions. However, both strains have garnered appreciation among cannabis enthusiasts for their distinctive attributes.

In the end, the choice between Wedding Crasher and Papaya boils down to individual preferences, desired effects, and medicinal requirements. Whichever path one chooses, responsible and moderate consumption remains paramount to enjoy the benefits of these captivating cannabis strains fully. Remember, cannabis use is intended for adults aged 21 years and above. Enjoy the journey, and happy exploring!