Medically reviewed by Alexander Tabibi, MD
September 25, 2023

Smoking cannabis, marijuana, or weed can be an enjoyable experience for many, but it comes with the challenge of dealing with the pungent and lingering smell of cannabis smoke. Whether you want to smoke in a non-smoking area without drawing attention or simply wish to keep the marijuana smell at bay, a sploof can be your discreet smoking companion. A sploof is a homemade air filtration device designed to mask or eliminate the smell of smoke, making your smoking sessions more inconspicuous and pleasant.

This post is intended as information and for general knowledge only. It is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare professional about this before introducing cannabinoids into your daily routine (especially if you have been diagnosed with any medical conditions or are under any medication). It is not recommended to drive or operate any machinery when using cannabis- or hemp-derived products. Use responsibly!

What is a Sploof

A sploof is a simple yet effective device that helps reduce the smell and visibility of smoke when smoking marijuana, cannabis, or weed. It is made by creating an air filter using everyday household items, which traps the smoke particles and deodorizes the air passing through it. As a result, the smoke that comes out on the other end smells significantly less like smoke, allowing you to enjoy your cannabis discreetly.

Using a sploof is particularly beneficial in shared living spaces or hotels where smoking is prohibited. It enables you to indulge in your habit without disturbing others or alerting unwanted attention. Furthermore, a homemade sploof is budget-friendly, easily replaceable, and customizable to suit your preferences.

Materials Needed

To make your own DIY sploof, gather the following materials:

  • An empty plastic bottle, paper towel roll, or an empty toilet paper roll (container)
  • Dryer sheets or activated carbon (filtering agent)
  • Rubber bands or tape (to secure the filter)
  • Scissors or a sharp knife (for cutting and preparing materials)

You can create an efficient sploof with these readily available materials. However, if you don’t have a plastic bottle, a paper towel roll or an empty toilet paper roll will serve as a suitable alternative. In the absence of dryer sheets or activated carbon, you can use fabric softener sheets or coffee filters as substitutes.

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these simple steps to create your homemade sploof for discreet smoking:

Preparing the Container

Begin by selecting a suitable container for your sploof, such as an empty plastic bottle or a paper towel roll. Clean and dry the container thoroughly to remove any lingering smells that could interfere with the filtering process.

Preparing the Filter

Choose the filtering material for your sploof. Dryer sheets are commonly used as they are effective at masking odors, but activated carbon provides superior odor absorption. Cut the material into small squares or pieces that fit into the container.

Assembling the Sploof

Place one end of the container against your mouth and blow gently to check for any air leaks. Once confirmed, stuff the container tightly with the filtering material, ensuring there are no gaps or openings that could allow smoke to escape.

Sealing and Decorating

Seal the open end of the container with rubber bands or tape to secure the filtering material in place. Optionally, you can decorate the outside of the sploof to give it a personal touch.

Testing the Sploof

Before relying on your homemade sploof for discreet smoking, it’s essential to test its effectiveness. Exhale smoke through the sploof and observe if any smoke or smell escapes. If needed, make adjustments, such as adding more filtering material or improving the seal, to enhance its efficiency.

In case the sploof does not perform as desired, consider using a higher-quality filtering material like activated carbon. Properly packing and sealing the sploof are crucial to ensure that no smoke bypasses the filter.

Additional Tips for Discreet Smoking

To further minimize smoke and odor while smoking cannabis, consider the following tips

  1. Use smaller hits to reduce the amount of exhaled smoke.
  2.  Exhale smoke directly into the sploof to minimize any smoke that escapes.

Additionally, using alternative smoking devices such as vaporizers or edibles can produce less visible smoke, further enhancing discreetness. Proper ventilation Cannabinoid d air circulation in the smoking area are also essential to dissipate any remaining smoke and odor effectively.

Maintenance and Longevity

To prolong the lifespan and efficiency of your homemade sploof, follow these maintenance tips

  1. Regularly replace or refresh the filtering material to ensure the sploof’s effectiveness.
  2.  Clean the container periodically to prevent the buildup of residue and odor.

The frequency of replacing the filter material depends on the type of material used and the frequency of use. With proper care, your sploof can serve as a reliable companion for many discreet smoking sessions.


Making a sploof at home is a practical and cost-effective solution for reducing the smell and visibility of cannabis smoke. By following this DIY guide, you can craft an effective sploof that suits your needs and preferences, allowing you to enjoy your smoking experience without disturbing others or drawing unwanted attention. Embrace the art of discreet smoking with your personalized homemade sploof, and let the essence of cannabis and its odor be your secret pleasure. Happy smoking!


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